
Fedora에서 GPG Key 오류가 날떄

분석가E 2009. 9. 15. 00:29
이글은 무혼인형님의 블로그에서 발췌하엿습니다.

처음 yum을 실행하면 

[root@localhost ~]# yum update
You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. 
However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download
the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.
You can do that by running the command:
rpm --import public.gpg.key
For more information contact your distribution or package provider.

"public.gpg.key" -print

라고 나오는데,

[root@localhost ~]# rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-3/RPM-GPG-KEY
[root@localhost ~]# yum update

하면 됨 =)

 by 무혼인형 | 2007/07/04 17:44 | Linux@work